Che Kurrien, Editor-in-Chief, GQ India said, “GQ India is known as a cutting-edge men’s media brand, and we have always aimed to delight readers by pushing the envelope: with sharp writing, quality photography and striking presentation. Rajkummar Rao was perfect to front this month’s issue, where we undertook a very special editorial innovation, executing the cover shoot on a OnePlus smartphone— marrying technology and art to create a striking visual showpiece.”
Photographer Rohan Shrestha added, "Things are constantly changing in the digital age. Technology keeps advancing, and as Creatives, we have to be on top of it. This month, I shot GQ India’s May cover with a smartphone camera, which was such a different and unique experience. I am pleasantly surprised how an image from a smartphone has such remarkable picture quality, and I am very happy with the outcome. This experience was very innovative and taught me a lot.”
The cover image gives us an early hint of what the camera on the OnePlus 7 Pro is capable of in one of the first-ever sample shots to be published. The much-awaited flagship from OnePlus will be unveiled in an exclusive community event on May 14 in Bengaluru.
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