Smarten CEO, Kartik Patel says, "The CERT-IN certification for our Smarten suite of software products is an important credential. Our team is honored to receive this acknowledgement of our process and our methodologies, and the application security standards our team has implemented on the Smarten platform. Our clients can take comfort in the credibility and the dependable products and services this certification ensures."
The Information Technology Amendment Act of 2009 designated CERT-IN as the national agency to perform functions for cyber security, including the collection, analysis and dissemination of information on cyber incidents, as well as taking emergency measures to handle incidents and coordinating cyber incident response activities. CERT-IN also issues advisories, guidelines and white papers for security practices. As a certified CERT-IN service and product provider, Smarten adds additional security assurances to its already rich foundation of security measures and methodologies to support clients, partners and stakeholders.
"The CERT-IN review and evaluation process provides a comprehensive and crucial validation of our products and services, and assures that our clients can be confident in our team, our processes, and our methodologies and the data and application security validation the CERT-IN certification assures," says Patel.
The CERT-IN certification increases and improves security and provides a multi-layered approach to ensure that Smarten products and services are in compliance with privacy, regulatory and security standards.
Contact the Smarten team for more information on Smarten Augmented Analytics solution.